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Full Screen Coding

Full screen coding allows you to overlay your code window on a full screen movie, making it easier to see and code the action.

  1. Open a movie package and code window.

  2. From the View menu, click Full Screen Coding, or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Command + F.

  3. Use the Opacity dropdown menu to increase or decrease the code window's opacity. This allows you to see any action that might otherwise be hidden.

    If you don't see the Opacity option, expand the size of the code window until you see it appear in the upper right.

  4. Re-size the code window as desired, then move the code window as far out of the way as possible. Typically this will be in a corner of the screen.

  5. Code as usu­al. When fin­ished, press esc on the key­board or click on the x icon to exit to the timeline.