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Volleyball | Breakdowns and Reports

Hudl Assist follows the rules and statistician manual of NCAA sports.

Looking for something specific? Hop to any stat by clicking the link below.


Attack Attempt

An attack attempt (ATT) is recorded any time a player attempts to attack (hit strategically) the ball into the opponent’s court. The ball may be spiked, set, tipped or hit as an overhead contact.

Things to Note:

  • A two-handed dump, set or “throw” will be considered an attack.
  • If a free ball results in a kill, the free ball will also be counted as an attack attempt.
Attack Error

The offensive action of hitting the ball and it immediately results in a point for the other team.

An attack error will be tagged when:

  • The ball is hit into the net.
  • The ball is hit out of bounds without contact from the other team.
  • The attacker is in the net.
  • The ball hits the antenna.
  • The ball is blocked by the other team and lands on the attacker's court and ends the play.

Things to Note:

  • While tagging, if a block is selected, an attack error tag will automatically be tagged.
Attack Location

The attack location shows, approximately, where the player made contact with the ball and where the attack ended.

An attack ends when:

  • The ball makes contact with the floor, without anyone else touching it.
  • The ball makes contact with the opposing block.
  • The ball makes contact with the net.
  • The ball makes contact with the opposing team.

Things to Note:

  • A zero attack is when the play continues after the attack.
  • Due to the film angles or quality, we may not be able to tag the attack location.
  • Attack location is only for teams on silver and above.

A kill is awarded to a player any time an attack is unreturnable by the opposition and is a direct cause of the opponent not returning the ball or any time the attack leads directly to a blocking error by the opposition. A kill leads directly to a point. When a player is awarded a kill, the player also is awarded an attack attempt.

A kill will be tagged when:

  • The ball lands inside the opponent's court with no contact by the opponent
  • The ball hits off the hands of the opponent, in an attempt to block the attack, and goes out of bounds or hits the opponent's court.
  • The opponent is in the net after the attack and before the ball hits the ground. Even if the ball is hit out of bounds but the opponent is called in the net we will reward the attacker a kill.

A player is awarded an assist whenever that player passes, sets or digs the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill.

Things to Note:

  • Not all attacks will have an assist
Ball Handling Error

When a player attempts to set the ball but does an illegal action or when the set is clearly unplayable.

Things to Note:

  • Due to film angle/quality it may not be clear that it is a ball-handling error vs. an attack error.
  • Due to film angle/quality it may not be clear what the officials call is.



A block is awarded when a player(s) blocks the ball that comes off an attack into the opponent’s court, leading directly to a point.

Assisted Block

A block assist (BA) is awarded when two or three players block the ball into the opponent’s court leading directly to a point. Each player blocking receives a block assist, even if only one player actually makes contact with the ball.

Solo Blocks

A block solo (BS) is awarded when a single player blocks the ball into the opponent’s court leading directly to a point. That player must be the only blocker attempting to block the ball.

Block Error

A player is charged with a blocking error when:

  • A blocker goes into the net.
  • A blocker is called for a center-line fault.
  • A blocker is called for reaching over the net.
  • A back-row player is called for blocking.
  • A blocker is called for a thrown ball during a block.

Things to Note:

  • When an assist block happens, each player blocking receives a block assist, even if only one player actually makes contact with the ball.
  • Total blocks = the number of solo blocks plus the number of assisted blocks
  • All blocks are considered as one point.
  • A block error is not tagged by Hudl Assist.

The pass or play of any ball that is attacked is awarded a dig. The ball can be kept in play on the digger’s side of the net or can go back to the opposition. In either case, a dig is awarded.

A dig will be tagged when:

  • A player passes the ball from a hit, tip or roll shot.
  • A player passes a ball from a tip
  • A player passes a ball after the ball hits off the block on the defensive side

A dig will not be tagged when:

  • A player passes a ball after a free ball
  • A player passes or gets a touch on a ball after an attack but the pass is unplayable.

A cover ball is when a player from the attacking team picks up a ball from an opponent’s block attempt.

Things to Note:

  • Cover is not a stat tracked in reports or in filters.
Free Ball

A ball that is sent over just to get the ball over the net or to keep it in play.

Things to Note:

  • A dig that goes over the net to the opponent's side
  • A third contact that is passed with the form arms over the net
  • Third contact is a save with two hands over the player's head
Free Ball Kill

A ball that is sent over just to get the ball over the net or to keep it in play but leads directly to a point.

Things to Note:

  • A free ball kill is counted in the total attack kills for a player and team.
  • The free ball kill is counted in the total number of attack attempts.
Free Ball Error

A second or third contact that is sent over just to get the ball over the net or to keep it in play but is not successful.

Things to Note:

  • A free ball error is not counted in the total attack errors for a player and team.
  • The free ball error is not counted in the total number of attack attempts.

A serve receive that goes over the net to the opponent’s side.

Things to Note:

  • An overpass is only marked during a serve receive.
  • An overpass is automatically tagged as a 1-pass rating.



A service ace (SA) is a serve that results directly in a point.

A service ace is awarded to a player:

  • If the serve strikes the opponent’s court untouched.
  • If the serve is passed by the opponent but cannot be kept in play.
  • If the referee calls a violation on the receiver (e.g., lift, double hit).
  • If the receiving team is out of rotation (i.e., overlap).

An ace will be tagged when:

  • The serve hits inside the other team’s court with no contact
  • The other team shanks the ball, on the first contact, and it is unplayable.
  • The other team overpasses the balls, on the first contact, out of bounds.
Serve Attempt

A serve is when a player attempts to serve the ball over the net into the opponent’s court.

Things to Note:

  • A Serve will not be tagged when the other team is out of rotation. An error before the serve will be marked and a point will be awarded to the serving team.
Serve Error

A service error (SE) is charged to a player:

  • If the serve fails to go over the net and lands on the side of the team serving.
  • If the serve is out of bounds or hits the antenna.
  • If the server foot-faults or takes too much time.
  • If the server tosses more than once for service.
  • If a player serves out of rotation. The service error (SE) is charged to the player who should have been serving.
  • If a player serves in rotation, but another player on the team is called for being out of rotation (i.e., overlap). The service error (SE) is charged to the server.

Serve Receive

Serve Receive

A serve reception is when a player attempts to pass a serve attempt.

Things to Note:

We will rate serve receive as:

0 = Error

1 = Poor pass but the ball is still in play.

  • Someone other than the setter takes the second ball.
  • The ball is passed over the net.
  • The setter bump passes the ball for the set.

2 = Good pass. The setter can still set the ball and is close to the setter's “position”.

3 = Great pass. The pass is to the setter zone and the setter can set to all options.

Serve Receive Error

The number of serve-receive attempts directly resulting in a point for the other team.

  • If the serve strikes the floor in the area of the player.
  • If the player passes the serve but it cannot be kept in play by his or her team.
  • If the player is called for a reception violation by the referee (e.g., lift, double hit).

Things to Note:

  • We will rate a serve receive error as a 0 when the serve receive is not playable by another player.

Automatic Stats and Calculations

These stats are automatically calculated based on tags in your video or based on the information you have provided in your Assist submission.

Hitting %

Calculation = (Total Kills - Total Errors)/Total Attack Attempts

Matches Played

The total # of matches played for the selected filter.

Things to Note:

  • A player must make a stateable action within the game to be counted for a match played.

Rotations tell you what players are in what position on the court.

Things to Note:

  • Analysts do not mark rotation, this is submitted by coaches when they note their starting rotation.
  • As long as you keep it consistent it doesn’t matter what you call a rotation.
  • Your starting rotation is the rotation you are in with your first server.
  • If you start in serve receive and you back up one to have the same server, you will always have the same starting rotation.
  • If you start in serve receive, do not back up one and have a different first server your starting rotation will be different.
  • If there is missing film, rotations will be off.
Sets Played

The total # of sets played in a season, match or matches.

Things to Note:

  • A player must make a stateable action within the game to be counted for a set played.
Serve Quality Rating

The serve quality rating, rates how effective the serve was on a skill from 0-4.

The serve quality rating is automatically marked based on the serve receive pass rating

0 Pass = Ace (4) Serve

1 Pass = 3 Serve

2 Pass = 2 Serve

3 Pass = 1 Serve

Service Error = 0 Serve

Serving %

Calculation = (Total Serves - Serve Errors)/ Total Serves


Jersey Numbers

The player who is directly involved in the moment will be attributed the stat.

Things to Note:

  • Jersey numbers can be subjective or unidentifiable depending on the film quality, color of jerseys or moment being tagged.
  • If an analyst can’t see the jersey number they will tag it as unknown. To learn how to identify an unknown player, click here.
  • If jersey colors are hard to read we recommend the coach add, easy to identify, player descriptions in order to receive more accuracy or more data.
  • If a player is 00 but on the roster as 0 it’s best for the coach to leave a note.

A violation is when a player does not follow the rules of the game.

  • Net Violation: Touching the net with any body part.
  • Under the net: Stepping under the net onto the opponent's side of the court
  • Out of rotation

Things to Note:

  • Due to film angle/quality violations can be miss marked.
  • If a player is in the net while blocking this is marked as an attack kill not a violation.