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Store Video Outside of Hudl

Not sure how to down­load video from Hudl? Click here to learn how.

External Hard Drive

External hard dri­ves typ­i­cal­ly have high stor­age capac­i­ties and are often used to back up com­put­ers or serve as a net­work dri­ve. Connect your hard dri­ve to your com­put­er through the USB port.

Google Drive

A per­son­al cloud stor­age ser­vice from Google that lets users store and syn­chro­nize dig­i­tal con­tent across com­put­ers, lap­tops and mobile devices, includ­ing Android-pow­ered tablet and smart­phone devices.

  • Download from Hudl as Multiple Files MP4.
  • Learn how to upload to Google Drive
  • Organize how­ev­er you see fit.
  • Video can be accessed by any­one who has access to that sec­tion of the Google Drive

Other Cloud Drive options:

  • Dropbox
  • Apple iCloud
  • SkyDrive

YouTube or Vimeo

Video shar­ing ser­vices that allows users to watch videos post­ed by oth­er users and upload videos of their own to pri­vate or pub­lic channels.

How To:

YouTube only allows 100 clips per upload. If choosing to upload film to YouTube download video from Hudl as a single MP4.