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Show the Last Actions from a Timeline Row

Example Used

In this example we will look to see which team ("Us" or "Them") had the last scoring "Chance".


  1. Create buttons 1, 2 & 3 from the image below:

    • Button 1 - A label button with the button ID 'us'.
      This button is connected to button 3 by an activation link.
    • Button 2 - A label button with the button ID 'them'.
      This button is also connected to button 3 by an activation link.
    • Button 3 - A code button with a lead time of 2 seconds and a lag time of 2 seconds. This button has the button ID 'variable'.
      This button creates an instance on the timeline.
  2. Create buttons 4, 5 & 6 from the image above to form the Color Palette:

    • Button 4 - An inactive button with the button ID 'color1'.
      This button should be the same color as button 1.
    • Button 5 - An inactive button with the button ID 'color2'.
      This button should be the same color as button 2.
    • Button 6 - An inactive button with the button ID 'color3'.
      This Button should be a neutral color.
  3. Create button 7 from the image above to display who had the last chance in the 'variable' row:

    • Button 7 - An inactive button with the button ID "last1".

    Give button 7 the following script:

    button color #'color3'
    This script sets the button color as the neutral 'color3' from the Color Palette.

    $lastinstance = instances where row = #'variable' limit -1,-1
    The limit here is set to show the last instance added to the 'variable' row.

    $ourwin = count "Us" and $lastinstance
    $theirwin = count "Them" and $lastinstance
    These variables will count whether the last instance added to the row contains the label 'Us' or 'Them'.

    if($ourwin = 0, show "-")
    if($theirwin = 0, show "-")
    If there are no labels in the timeline 'variable' row instances then this button will display the '-' symbol.

    if($ourwin = 1, show "US")
    if($theirwin = 1, show "Them")

    if ($ourwin = 1, button color #'color1')
    if ($theirwin = 1, button color #'color2')

    The last two lines of script set the button color, dependent on which label is in the instance.

  4. Create buttons 8 & 9 from the image above. These buttons contain the same script as button 7, apart from line 3 of the script (see below script and image):

    • Button 8 - An inactive button with the button ID 'last2'.
      This button has the following script on line 3:
      $lastinstance = instances where row = #'variable' limit -2,-2

    The limit here is set to show the second last instance added to the 'variable' row.

    • Button 9 - An inactive button with the button ID 'last3'.
      This Button has the following script on line 3:
      $lastinstance = instances where row = #'variable' limit -3,-3

    The limit here is set to show the third last instance added to the 'variable' row.

  5. Create buttons 10 & 11 from the image above. These buttons contain the same script as button 7, apart from line 3 of the script (see below script and image):

    • Button 10 - An inactive button with the button ID 'last4'.
      This Button has the following script on line 3:
      $lastinstance = instances where row = #'variable' limit -4,-4

    The limit here is set to show the fourth last instance added to the 'variable' row.

    • Button 11 - An inactive button with the button ID 'last5'.
      This Button has the following script on line 3:
      $lastinstance = instances where row = #'variable' limit -5,-5

    The limit here is set to show the fifth last instance added to the 'variable' row.