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Set Up a Live Capture - Decimator MD-HX (SDI to HDMI)

For infor­ma­tion on the Decimator MD-HX, check out the Capture Hardware Recommendations page.

This con­nec­tion guide for using the Decimator means that the fol­low­ing fac­tors are true:

  • The video source is con­nect­ed to the Decimator using an SDI connection
  • The Decimator is con­nect­ed to the AJA U-TAP using an HDMI connection

  1. Plug the Decimator into a pow­er outlet.

  2. Plug your SDI video source into the SDI Input.

  3. Plug an HDMI cord into the HDMI Output.

  4. Press the Enter but­ton to wake the device if the front LCD screen is not already on.

    If you have a video feed com­ing in through the SDI cable, you should see a sig­nal appear­ing in the S row.

  5. Press the right arrow until you see the Control screen.

  6. Press Enter, and you should see SDI OUT SOURCE on the screen. If you do not see this, use the arrow keys to move left and right until you do.

  7. Press Enter until the third row of text reads Scaler.

  8. Press the right arrow to get to the HDMI OUT SOURCE menu.

  9. Press Enter until it is set to Scaler.

  10. Press the right arrow until you reach HDMI OUT TYPE.

  11. Press Enter until you see HDMI RGB 444 2C.

  12. Press the right arrow again until you see DUC SOURCE.

  13. Press Enter until you see SDI IN.

    This is the only option you should need to change in the future. If you are using an HDMI video source, you’ll need to change this to HDMI IN.

  14. Press the right arrow until you see DUC REF.

  15. Press Enter to lock this set­ting as SOURCE.

  16. Press the right arrow until you see Output 1 is loop.

  17. Press Enter to lock this set­ting as No.

  18. Press the Back but­ton to go back to the Control menu.

  19. Press the right arrow to access the Scaling menu and press Enter.

  20. The first option should be Output Format. If it’s not, use the arrow keys to find it. Press Enter to high­light the third row of the LCD screen.

  21. Use the arrow keys to find the HD 720p 59.94 set­ting. Once there, press the Back but­ton so that Output Format is once again highlighted.

  22. Press Back until you return to the Input Status menu, and the device is now ready for use.