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Playlist - Organizer

Move Instances to the Organizer

Select instances and send them to the organizer.

Add Drawing to Organizer

Use the effects toolbar in the organizer to highlight key moments in your clips.

Move Instances Between Organizers

Transfer instances from one organizer to another.

Move Instances Between Playlists

Send selected instances from one playlist to another.

Create Custom Title Slides Using Powerpoint - Organizer

Add customizable Powerpoint slides to an organizer.

Create Custom Title Slides Using KeyNote - Organizer

Add customizable Keynote slides to an organizer.

Create a Standalone Playlist

Save a sorter or organizer as a playlist that can play without needing the links of the original movie packages.

Manually Relink Playlists

Playlists can lose their link when being transferred to different machines, here's how to relink them.

Duplicate a Row or Selected Clips in an Organizer

Duplicate a row of instances or selected clips.

Export Video from a Playlist

Select specific clips and angles from a playlist, then export the video.

Sync Changes from a Playlist Back to the Timeline

Edit an instance's notes, labels or clip length in a playlist and sync the changes back to the timeline.

Export Video from a Playlist with Effects, Slides and Instance Text

See how to export video from a playlist that includes effects, slides and instance text.

Drag and Drop a Video in an Organizer

Insert video files into a playlist.

Record and Share Presentations Remotely

Effortlessly share your presentation using the screen recording tool, accessible directly from the Organizer.

Add Drawing to an Organizer

Add a drawing to an organizer.

Create a Standalone Organizer

Save an Organzier as a standalone.

Switch from Organizer to Sorter

switch from organizer view to sorter view.