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Opt In to Recruiting

Colleges and pro teams use Hudl Recruit to find and evaluate talented athletes.

Athletes must opt in to recruiting to allow their Hudl profile to be viewed by registered recruiters. (Their contact info is still hidden from the public.) This is the best way to let programs know what skills your athlete could bring to their team.

  1. Athletes will log in to Hudl, hover over their name and click Your Profile.

  2. Click Edit Profile.

    While here, have your athletes take time to add any additional basic, athletic and academic information.

  3. Click Recruitment.

  4. Toggle Recruitable to green. This allows recruiters access to athlete's information.

    Recruiters can always find an athlete's pub­lic pro­file, but when an athlete opts in to recruiting, they’ll have access to more of the con­tent that helps them eval­u­ate the athlete as a recruitable ath­lete. This includes con­tact infor­ma­tion, aca­d­e­m­ic and ath­let­ic stats, highlights and full videos of games.


If an athlete opts into Recruiting, are they able to opt-out whenever they want?

Yes! Follow the same steps above to toggle the Recruitable button off.