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Manually Setting IP Address

Configuring Mac Computer

  1. Turn off the WiFi on your machine.

  2. Plug the eth­er­net cable from your VLAN or pri­vate local switch into your computer.

    VLANs can run through your facil­i­ty in coop­er­a­tion with your IT department.

    You may also need either an eth­er­net to Thunderbolt adapter or eth­er­net to USB-C adapter to con­nect the eth­er­net cable to your computer.

  3. Click on the Network icon and then select Open Network Preferences.

  4. Select USB LAN, Thunderbolt Ethernet, or your spe­cif­ic net­work adaptor.

  5. Toggle Configure IPv4 to Manually.

  6. Match the fol­low­ing set­tings for IP Address, Subnet Mask, & Router with the image below:

    Each device con­nect­ed through eth­er­net to your VLAN or switch needs to have a unique IP address. If you are going to con­nect addi­tion­al devices, change the last dig­it of the IP address for each device so that they all have unique address­es. For exam­ple,,,, etc.

  7. Click Apply to save your changes.

Configuring iPad

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Toggle on Airplane Mode.

  3. Select Ethernet and then tap Ethernet Cable.

  4. Tap Configure IP.

  5. Select Manual.

  6. Assign the fol­low­ing set­tings for IP Address, Subnet Mask, & Router:

    If you are con­nect­ing mul­ti­ple iPads, they all need to have unique IP address­es and also need to be dif­fer­ent from any oth­er devices con­nect­ed to the VLAN or switch.

    To do that, change the last dig­it of the IP address for each device so that they all have unique address­es. For exam­ple,,,, etc.

  7. Tap Save.