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Use this script to limit instances based on conditions.

FORMAT: instances LIMIT offset, select or instances LIMIT select


  • Instances: Quot­ed text, spec­i­fy­ing the label you wish to count in the front time­line or instances (which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT).
  • Off­set: The off­set to start count­ing (e.g., 1 = will skip the first instance). If off­set < 0 then it will count from the end (e.g., -1 = will skip the last instance). This can be left out if the off­set is 0.
  • Select: The number of instances to select. If it is set to select < 0, it will select up to the end val­ue (-1 = last, -2 = second to last, etc.)


show count labels in instances limit 1, 1

Returns the total num­ber of labels in the sec­ond instance in the timeline.


$var = labels in instances where row = "Test Row 2"
show count $var

Returns the total num­ber of labels in all instances in the timeline row "Test Row 2".