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Install and Register Coda

Install Coda

  1. Download the installer file for Coda.

  2. Locate the download installer file. By default, the file will be in your computer's Downloads folder.

  3. Double-click the installer zip file. Then double-click the CODA.dmg file.

  4. In the pop up window, drag and drop the Coda icon into the Applications folder.

  5. Once Coda is installed, it will be located in your Applications folder.

Register Coda

  1. Open Coda.

  2. When asked, "CODA" is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you suer you want to open it?, click Open.

  3. Click Register.

  4. Enter your Coda reg­is­tra­tion code into the License field and click Register.

    You must be con­nect­ed to the inter­net in order to suc­cess­ful­ly reg­is­ter Coda.

  5. When prompt­ed, type in your computer’s admin pass­word and click OK.

    Keep a record of each license and which com­put­er they’re reg­is­tered on. Having this record will speed up the recov­ery process if you ever have a com­put­er crash, theft, or oth­er prob­lems with your license.

  6. Click OK.