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Fix Failed Synergy Import with Missing .CSV Rows

Use this tuto­r­i­al if you receive an error message that says ​“Video clips num­ber doesn’t match num­ber of rows in the CSV file” when try­ing to import Synergy edit files.

  1. Navigate to the down­loaded Synergy edit file.

    By default, Synergy edits are down­loaded to this loca­tion: Documents > SynergySports > [Synergy Login Email] > MyEdits.

  2. Open the ​“video” fold­er and fig­ure out which video clip is missing.

    In the exam­ple above clip #20 is miss­ing. In some cas­es, there may be mul­ti­ple video clips that are miss­ing. Carefully go through and see if any addi­tion­al clips were not downloaded.

  3. When you have fig­ured out which video clip num­ber is miss­ing, open up the export.csv file.

  4. Refer to Column A, and locate the cell with the same num­ber as the video clip that is missing.

  5. Hold con­trol and click on the cor­re­spond­ing row num­ber. Click Delete to delete the entire row.

  6. Exit out of the .csv file and save your changes by click­ing Save.

  7. Import the Synergy edit into Hudl Sportscode. If the same error pops up again, double check this process.