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Explore and Rank Colleges

Finding a school that best fits you has never been easier. Athletes can use the College Search and Contact tool to find and evaluate colleges on Hudl to help them get recruited to play college sports.

  1. Hover over the Recruiting tab and select College Search.

  2. Use the filters on the left-hand side of the screen to find the right fit for you. The filters available are:

    • State
    • School Size
    • Academic Programs
    • Sports
    • Division
  3. You can also use the search bar to type in the name of the school you're looking for.

  4. If you're interested in a school, click on the Save button to save and rank this school. The rankings you can give a school are:

    • Applied (Purple)
    • Great Fit (Green)
    • Dream School (Blue)
    • Maybe (Yellow)
    • No (Red)
    • Undecided (Unknown)
  5. To see the schools you've saved and ranked, select the Saved tab.

  6. If your coach recommends a school, you can view the recommendation and choose to save or remove the recommendation.

    To view the recommendation, click Recommendations.

  7. Check the box next to the school name.

  8. Select Remove to remove the recommendation or Move to saved list to save this school.