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This command will return all instances that have the correct end time condition.

FORMAT: instances WHERE END TIME operator value or "label_name" WHERE END TIME operator value


  • label_name: Quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances. (Can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT)
  • instances: This means the script matches all the sequences without regards to the labels.
  • operator value: < > = = value: the end time you wish to test (in seconds)


$instances = count instances where END TIME < 50
show $instances

This will count the number of instances that have an end time before 50 seconds. The result is stored in the $instances variable and then displayed using the SHOW command.


$instances = count "Messi" OR "Ronaldo" where row = "Offense" and END TIME > 120 and END TIME < 500
show $instances

This will count the instances that have labels "Messi" OR "Ronaldo" in the row called "Offense" with an end time between 120 and 500 seconds. The result is stored in the $instances variable and then displayed using the SHOW command.