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Download the Hudl Fan App

Download the Hudl Fan App (iOS)

  1. Open the App Store on your iOS device.

  2. Search for the Hudl Fan app.

  3. Tap Get to download the Hudl Fan app.

  4. Open the Hudl Fan app and log in with your Hudl credentials or create a Hudl Fan account.


Why can't I download the Hudl Fan app?

Make sure that your iOS or Android device meets the minimum requirements listed on the app store to download the Hudl Fan app.

Download the Hudl Fan App (Android)

  1. Open the Play Store on your Android device.

  2. Search for the Hudl Fan app.

  3. Tap Install to download the Hudl Fan app.

  4. Open the Hudl Fan app and log in with your Hudl credentials or create a Hudl Fan account.