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Create Playlists

The playlists you create will appear under Playlists on the left side of your screen.

Start by creating a playlist, then add clips to the playlist individually or in bulk.

Quick Add

  1. Check the Blue Circle next to the clip you want to add.

  2. Select Add To...

    You can also add this clip to an existing playlist.

  3. Select New Playlist.

    All playlists made here will also be viewable in your old Video Library.

  4. Once you've titled your playlist, select the Blue Circle to save this playlist.

Add Multiple Clips

  1. To add multiple clips, select the Blue Circle to the left of the clip. To add all of the clips you are viewing, select the Blue Circle at the top of the grid.

  2. Select Add To...

  3. Once you've titled this new playlist, click the Blue Check to save your playlist.

    All playlists made here will also be viewable in your old Video Library.