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Stop your Subscription

If you want to know more, please check our terms and conditions.

Cancellation Request

This link submits a cancellation request form for your desktop Wyscout account.

Cancellation Request Form

Select the Category Wyscout | Billing when you submit the form.

All requests can be submitted through the link above or by email to

Please include your username, name, referring email, phone number, and company name when emailing.

Trial Optout Cancellation Request

This link submits a trial optout cancellation request form for your Wyscout account.

Trial Optout

The optout cancellation must be submitted before the expiration date indicated when the customer originally registered.

Opt-Out FAQs

If I cancel my free trial today, will I retain access until the end of the 15 days?

No, your Wyscout access will be closed the same day at midnight CET.

What happens if I don’t cancel the free trial before the 15th day?

Wyscout will charge the total amount of the chosen package for the next billing cycle to the customer's method of payment at the end of the optional free trial period unless the customer cancels the subscription prior to the end of the free trial period (at 23:59 CET- Rome).

Can I change the package I chose?

Contact us at and we will be happy to put you in touch with the Account Executive in charge of your area. Please include your username to help us locate your account.

Zuora Subscription FAQs

If I submit my cancellation request today, when will it take effect?

Cancellation will take effect at the next bill cycle day after the submission of the Cancellation Form. This will disable the login credentials specified in the notice of cancellation.

If I change my mind after the cancellation, how can I reactivate my account?

Please contact us at and we will be happy to put you in touch with the Account Executive in charge of your account. They will help you to reactivate your account.

If I reactivate my account after some time, will the content I created remain there?

Yes, as soon as you reactivate your account you will be able to access all content you previously created.