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This command will grab the name of a different button, using an identifier.

FORMAT: BUTTON NAME "button_identifier" or #"button_identifier"


  • button_identifier: Letter and/or number defining the ID of a button.

This value must be unique for each button.


$player = button name "player 1"
show $player

Obtain the button name from the button having the identifier "player1" and use it in the variable $var. Display it with the SHOW command.


$player1 = #"player1"
$player2 = #"player2"
$total = count $player1 OR $player2 where row = "GOAL"
show $total

Obtain the button names from the buttons with ID names "player1" and "player2" and use them in the variables $player1 and $player2. In another variable, using COUNT, we count in the row called "GOAL" the number of instances with at least one label corresponding to the names of players that we have just recovered in our variables. Display the output with SHOW.


$player = button name "player1" in window "CW2"
show $player

Obtain the button name from the button with identifier name "player1" from the code window called "CW2" and use in the variable $player. Display it with the SHOW command. The codification window where the reference button is must be open when the report is run.