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Add Events

  1. Log in to, then hover over Team and select Schedule.

  2. Click Add Event.

  3. Complete the required fields on the right side.

    If your opponent auto-populates, click their team name to add them to the schedule. If it doesn't, manually enter their team name.

  4. Click Save to save the new schedule entry.

Suggested Events

If another Hudl team has scheduled an event against your team, a Suggested Event will display on your schedule page.

  1. Log in to, then hover over Team and select Schedule.

  2. Find the Suggested Event in line with your other scheduled events.

  3. Click Ignore if the event is incorrect or not relevant.

  4. Click Add to Schedule if you want the event on your schedule. If necessary, you can edit any information and click Save.


I'm trying to add an opponent but they aren't populating. Why is that?

If the opponent you need to add isn't populating, it means they don't have an active Hudl account. You will need to manually enter the opponent into your schedule.